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Learn About U.S. Tax Return Policies
U.S. Personal Tax
U.S. Tax for Canadians
Does the following apply to you?
- Do you own a real estate rental property in the U.S.?
- Are you planning to buy or sell your real estate rental property in the U.S.?
- Have you won money gambling in the U.S.?
- Did you work as an employee in the U.S.?
- Do you need advice about emigrating to the U.S.?
- Do you have questions about U.S. estate and gift taxes?
- Call or email us to discuss how we can help.
U.S. Tax for U.S. citizens living in Canada.
- Are you a U.S. citizen living and working in Canada?
- Did you know that U.S. citizens who are Canadian residents must file annual U.S. tax returns?
- Are you unaware of this U.S. requirement for U.S. citizens, you are not alone and we can help you rectify the situation.
- Call or email us to discuss how we can help.
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